Analytical Reporting Bahrain

Data & Analytical Reporting

Where data meets science

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Financial and Analytical Reporting

Accurate Information = Informed Decisions

Most business owners will base their decisions on raw data which can be overwhelming. CP Accounting Services will be able to transform raw data into useful financial information. The real power of financial and analytical reporting and data visualization lies in its ability to display unexpected findings in a clear and self-explainable manner. To help bring life to data, CP Accounting Services can produce visualized and graphical dashboards that deliver financial information easily and quickly.

Understanding and generating insights from this financial information demands more than just looking at numbers. Our team of professionals can provide consultations in data and analytics to enable enhanced decision making and to empower your organization in achieving its financial goals.

Analytical Reporting Bahrain

Microsoft Power BI Integration

Through integrating our backend accounting system with Microsoft’s powerful cloud-based reporting engine, we are able to provide our clients with live financial reporting capabilities on demand. Our clients will be given online access to their reports so they can monitor their business performance anywhere and anytime. Such financial and analytical reports may include correlations between the top sellers and top salesmen, slow movers and average price, type of goods sold and date, or branch location and number of hourly visitors. With these powerful financial and analytical reports, business owners can confidently take decisions that could change the course of their business.

Microsoft Power BI

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